Toggle Bootstrap is a plugin that lets your easily toggle between different versions of Bootstrap. It also lets you disable Joomla's MooTools Core and/or More scripts. This is a very useful plugin for everybody, especially web developers creating their custom template for a particular website.
Currently, Joomla core uses Bootstrap version 2.3.2. Toggle Bootstrap lets you choose to load Bootstrap version 3.3.7 or 4.0.0-alpha.6 instead.
The great thing about Toggle Bootstrap is it does not simply remove Joomla's Bootstrap and load the new Bootstrap version. What it does is check if Bootstrap is already loaded on the page, then replace it with the desired version by injecting it in the exact same position so the initialization your scripts and stylesheets are not messed up. If Bootstrap is not already loaded on the page, the plugin does nothing and additional resource files are not loaded.
Plugin Settings:
- Source: Choose to call the files locally or from the official Bootstrap CDN.
- Javascript Version: Choose to load the javascript from Joomla core's BS 2.3.2, the newest stable 3.3.7, or 4.0.0-alpha.6
- CSS Version: Choose to load the javascript from Joomla core's BS 2.3.2, the newest stable 3.3.7, or 4.0.0-alpha.6
- Load Core Bootstrap CSS: If enabled, Toggle Bootstrap will insert the new Bootstrap CSS instead of replacing the one from Joomla. This is useful if you have other parts of your website designed for Bootstrap 2.3.2.
- Force New Bootstrap CSS: Some templates removes and replace Joomla's Bootstrap CSS. In this case, Toggle Bootstrap will not be able to detect whether Bootstrap is loaded. Enabling this option will force load the new new Bootstrap CSS no matter what.
- Toggle Admin Backend: Select whether you wish to toggle Bootstrap in the backend as well.
- Only Toggle Bootstrap On: You can add a list of components' option that you want to limit toggling on. Eg "com_content" means Bootstrap toggling will happen only on com_content pages.
- Exclude Toggle Bootstrap On: You can add a list of components' option that you want to exclude toggling on. Eg "com_content" means Bootstrap toggling will happen everywhere but com_content page.
- Disable Mootools Core: Choose whether to disable the MooTools Core script. When enabled, the More script will also be disabled.
- Disable Mootools More: Choose whether to disable the MooTools More script.
- Only Disable MooTools On: You can add a list of components' option that you want to limit disabling on. Eg "com_content" means MooTools will be disabled only on com_content pages.
- Exclude Disable MooTools On: You can add a list of components' option that you want to exclude disabling on. Eg "com_content" means MooTools will be disabled everywhere but com_content pages.
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